JClub Catholic Book Fair: the Pauline solution for Catholic educators who want to provide good Catholic content to their students!

Everyday Grace: What Spiritual Season Are You In?

Everyday Grace: What Spiritual Season Are You In?

We know that seasons change, and just as natural seasons change, we can also see the changing of seasons in our lives. The book of Ecclesiastes tells us that there is a season for everything, and adds, “God has made everything beautiful for its own time.”

If you are going through a difficult season in your life, here are some ways to cope with it:

  • The dry season: You feel uninspired, and your prayer life seems empty. Remind yourself that you’re not the first person to feel this way, and fall back on prayers you know and love—the Our Father and the Hail Mary. Persevering through these simple prayers will get you though your feelings.
  • The waiting season: God has something in store for you, but it’s taking forever! You feel like the whole world is holding its breath in anticipation. This is a time to read: many of the saints needed to learn patience! Read about St. Cyprian, St. Monica, and St. Francis de Sales.
  • The trials season: Sometimes it just feels like you’re being tested, over and over again. The best thing now is to not be alone: others can help guide you through this difficult season. Use the sacrament of reconciliation frequently. This might be a time to consider talking to a spiritual director.

Not all seasons of your life are the same, and living through them with grace and with God means that you need to be deliberate. Don’t just allow them to happen to you; have a hand in how you experience them.




