JClub Catholic Book Fair: the Pauline solution for Catholic educators who want to provide good Catholic content to their students!

Three Ways to Improve Your Prayer Life

Three Ways to Improve Your Prayer Life

Let’s face it: sometimes you just don’t feel like praying. Maybe you don’t believe that your prayers are being answered. Maybe you sometimes don’t know what to say. Maybe you’re just too tired to go through the motions.

Here are three ways to get your prayer life back on track:

  • Use short prayers. God really just wants you to talk to him. Maybe you’re putting it off because you don’t have a long time, or maybe you feel you’re not eloquent enough. Talk to God as you would if he were standing right beside you (hint: he is!).
  • Use a prayer app. Blessed James Alberione, our founder, urged us take advantage of every new medium and that works here, too! You can use technology to pray more frequently and to do it anyplace you can take your phone. One I like is PrayerMate; but explore them all and see what suits you.
  • Pray with the saints. Jesus himself gave us the best prayer of all: the Our Father. But you can also say the Hail Mary, or any of a plethora of prayers offered by the saints. As long as your intentions are clear, the words don’t have to be your own.

by Jeannette de Beauvoir




